where do I begin? there are numerous substantial benefits within the utilization of intentional plant medicine, specifically psilocybin. it’s probable your curiosity is your intuition drawing your energy towards a path you’ve yet to journey. curiosity and openness are the least resistant paths towards expansion (and my personal fav!) our ability to GROW free from standards and expectations set by others is access to our POWER and our FREEDOM. whether you subscribe to spirituality, religion or other, your human experience here on earth is exactly that, YOURS.
the history of plant medicine dates back to our ancestors and was highlighted again in the 60’s-70’s where most of the initial science backed research began. now, as our mental health and illness rates are at an all time high, top-rated universities, scientists, doctors, thought-leaders and celebrities are advocating for non-addictive, side-effect free, safe medicine that works. ‘works’ not be taken lightly as research and studies (see magic page for resources) report a substantial success rate over prescription medication.
depression, ADHD, anxiety, PTSD, OCD are common diagnoses of those who seek out the healing properties of psychedelics. addiction or unhealthy habits, lack of self-worth/motivation/inspiration/creativity/purpose, living in fear/shame/guilt - if you are a human, living on this earth, it’s likely one, a few or more of the above have impacted your life.
for us, a holistic approach to breaking free from societal expectations, quieting the endless back and forth of our logical minds, feeling the strength of our intuition, healing trauma, discerning what’s ours verse generational dharma, power in our knowing - has set us free. it’s our pleasure, honor and vision to share mother gaia’s medicine, to amplify and integrate the power that lies with you.