the act of sitting to express grief has avoidance. the strong thump of the heart, the fear coursing through my viens. it's the scariest thing I've faced, sat with, nurtered, expressed and loved. how much longer can we run, numb, hide, shove it down and pretend it doesn't exist? the answer for me is, no longer. my body will not allow it. the level of committment and trust I've built within my system cannot go unheard. I honor my parts which are scared, there's fear of power. what will transmute on the other side is the greatest joy of a lifetime yet I sit here frozen in fear. mother earth I beg of you to take this from me, free my vessel of this resistance.
with that, I offer you gentleness and permission. hope in the depth. you are held. facing our fears at the capacity in which our system can safely navigate, being witnessed and loved in our defrost. allowing trust to take the reigns. operating from a place of rigity and control is resistance to what is mine to receive. patience in the process and practice of our path.