transcendent experiences individually designed to suit the quest of the enlightened human in surrender to higher consciousness.
we believe access to expansive healing is a realm we all get to play in regardless of financial status. therefore, investment for offerings is individually curated based on client needs.
energy alchemy + radical ownership
awaken to the sacred power of choice, for within lies the key to freedom. in this moment, invite the gentle yet potent flow of alignment into your daily life, allowing it to guide you toward fulfillment. trust in the wisdom of your inner self and move with authenticity, embracing each step as it unfolds.
release the barriers that bind you, and through keen self-awareness and accountability, clear the path before you. surrender to the flow that desires to move through you, restoring balance and harmony to your environment.
reimagine the space in which you reside—see it as a reflection of your highest truth and potential. Gift yourself the power of an empowered lifestyle, one that honors your essence and nurtures your well-being. co-create a safe and expansive sanctuary where you are free to thrive, a space that supports, uplifts, and serves the divine unfolding of your life.
may this be the offering to yourself: the conscious invitation of flow, balance, and purpose into your reality, shaping it with the fullness of your heart’s desire.

decalcify the heart
12 weeks
micro regime + support and integration
a gentle introduction to psychedelics and non-ordinary states of consciousness*
preparation + integration: 2x 45min sessions. access to customized microdose instructions, workbooks, reflection prompts and ongoing 1:1 voice message support.
*sub-perceptual, non-hallucinogenic dose
the power of energy movement + physical touch
half day retreat (up to 4 hrs)
weaves together bodywork + with a museum dose* of medicine
intake consultation + ceremony with bodywork (up to 90 min), followed by integration.
*slight altered state of consciousness, maintaining ability to converse with practitioner.

I woke up feeling grounded/centered in my nervous system & fully present in my mind/body. I haven’t felt this way in a few weeks. Immense love and gratitude for the magic 🪄 you share in your medicine. It was a blessing for me to share space with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
1:1 macro journey client

Probably the best microdosing experience so far. It was so similar to an MDMA ceremony, with my heart being wide-open and my ego allowing it to lead. I was able to sit on the couch to meditate, and I ran through each part of my life and got intuitive messages about how my heart was feeling regarding all of it.
microdosing client

Feeling immense gratitude for the reconnection back to myself and to my heart. Gratitude and love to you, your medicine, your magic, and the beautiful and sacred space you hold. Thank you for allowing me to process deeper layers of my spirit. I truly and deeply appreciate you. Thank you for seeing me 🤍
1:1 macro journey client