We are each creators, may you dance your way through the art of life.
How do we feel about expectations? Having them, having them be let down, attaching ourselves to the outcome. We’re often fixated on a result, so fixated on it we miss the opportunity to determine if it’s what we truly want. Is it what is right for us? Is this something someone else wants for us? Is this what my ‘old’ self wanted? The anxiety, the pressure, the need for a particular outcome can be our greatest demise.
We’ll dive deeper into journey verse destination and accepting or fighting our truth in our next transmission.
Our minds expect and are attached to end result XYZ for reasons often unexplainable. Give this a thought - how less stressful, how beautiful, how fun does it get to be to dance in flow, in surrender to the universe with a deep knowing the universe has you (everything happening for you, not to you) and that in a non-linear way each occurrence in your life is interconnected. You’ve most certainly heard ‘everything happens for a reason’ you’ve likely also most certainly said this. Do you believe it? Do you want to believe it?
This week I had 3 appointments that I showed up for which needed to be rescheduled by my practitioners, as I’m standing at their door. What emotions would come up for you? My reaction is that time is sacred and should be treated such, with respect. My response is shit happens, I always have something additional requiring my attention. My knowing is divine timing. I choose to trust and fully believe, in complete-ish surrender to, that what is for me, will absolutely be delivered to me. Whether that’s now, later, never, in my past or future lives - all irrelevant. As time too, is irrelevant.
Move, breathe + digest on this loves and share with me your thoughts as we are one. I am you, you are me.